Portland Press Herald Story

A great conversation with Bob Keyes of the Portland Press Herald last week turned into a story in the paper today. My huge thanks to Bob, a serious Allman Brothers fan and musician as well. Also grateful as ever to Skoots Lyndon and Richard Brent for their supportive words, and special thanks to Matchstick Communications for setting it all in motion. PPH readers please note that Flournoy Holmes should also be credited (with W. David Powell) as the other half of the Wonder Graphics team that created the original Eat a Peach album artwork.

We had a nice night with my dad in CT and now we’re on the road before sunrise, attempting to beat NYC commuter traffic. The deep and poetic Patti Smith is traveling with us – gorgeous, resonate words from Devotion, plus Gloria, Dancing Barefoot and more to keep us swaying in our seats.

As the windshield wipers flap in time, we wonder where and how we will keep our swim-every-day pact. Jersey? Maryland?


On the Road


Eat a Peach jam